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Performance Psychology for Sales Success

Next Date:

18 March, 2025



Delegate Rate:


Course Description

This Master Class (delivered as a ‘live & online’ virtual training session) is designed for experienced field salespeople, internal tele-sales people, key account managers, sales managers and directors. This Master Class is not about presenting features and benefits or handling objections – delegates who attend this Master Class should have already developed the core skills of selling and negotiating. This Master Class is all about giving people the performance ‘edge’, the mental keys to unlock their true sales potential by introducing them to tried and tested “mental game” principles developed over years in the sports arena.

“Sport Psychology and Mental Game Secrets to Boost Sales Performance”

Mastering ‘performance psychology’ is what separates true champions from average players. These are the inner skills that help to keep you focussed, help you perform when the pressure is on and give you control over the greatest asset that you have i.e. Your Mind in order to bring real success.

Delegates on the ‘Performance Psychology for Sales Success’ Master Class will learn mental skills used by top athletes and sportspeople that will enable them to take their selling to the next level, bringing significant success for themselves and their company.

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Master Class Objectives

  • To increase sales performance and results by gaining control over the mind
  • To gain a greater understanding of the psychological drivers of successful sales behaviour
  • To break through self-limiting barriers and beliefs affecting sales performance
  • To help define and achieve both business and personal goals
  • To gain a competitive ‘edge’ by using sports performance psychology principles
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Delegates Will Learn

  • How the mind works
  • How to develop powerful success beliefs
  • How to use visualisation and mental rehearsal techniques
  • The difference between Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation
  • To understand the link between Winning and a Positive Self-Image
  • How to create and stay focussed on goals
  • Why we ALL get nervous at some point
  • Ways of dealing with anxiety and nerves
  • How to recognise stress and develop coping mechanisms
  • How to use powerful focus and concentration techniques
  • How to Stay in the ZONE and sell with confidence
  • The difference between power of process goals & outcome thoughts
  • How to deal with setbacks and develop powerful confidence strategies that keep you going
  • How to attain ‘Performance Excellence’
  • How to use the power of self-belief to break through barriers

Delegate Testimonials

“I found the training programme to be very useful as it focussed the mind on how you think rather than a more superficial approach to selling. the part I found most useful was paying attention and spending time on my thinking, change the narrative to more positive solutions based approach and train myself to dispel negative thoughts.”

Richard Sheppard – Symbio UK.

‘I found the course to be very informative and helpful in developing my sales skills and positive attitude. Self-analysing my performance regularly with the check list and thinking positively will definitely help me become a better Salesperson. I would definitely attend another training programme with Xel. This has been my second course and I have implemented many of the skills
that I’ve learnt into my current job.”

Gary McKenna – Symbio UK.

“The Master Class was very good in such it helped me look at my own overall sales performance. It will help me to focus on all the positives and change any negatives on my behalf. It was very professionally put together and helped the viewer to think positively and clearly.”

Neil Carter – Symbio UK.

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If you'd like to book this course or require further information please call +44 (0)1772 611 115 or +44 (0)20 7100 1331 and speak to one of our course advisors who will be happy to help. Alternatively, fill out the 'book a course' form below and we'll be in touch.

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