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21 Proven Sales Strategies to help GROW your business in 2025 and beyond!

If you are looking for sales growth in 2025 and beyond, now is the time to evaluate more effective ways to build a ‘High-Performing’ sales and customer service team that is equipped to consistently achieve your ambitious growth targets.

Preview Mornings are designed exclusively for senior leadership teams involved in the Sales, HR and Training functions of an organisation and who are responsible for achieving TANGIBLE RESULTS from any training and coaching programmes for their sales and customer service teams.

Interested in attending one of our Preview Mornings?

Preview Mornings can be attended on either an in-person or online basis. We are limiting acceptances to each event to just 12 business owners, directors or managers and places will be allocated on a “first-come, first-served” basis so reserve your place(s) now to avoid any disappointment.

Reserve your place(s)
The Purpose of a Preview Morning

By investing just 4 hours of your time on a Preview Morning, we will give you a sample/taster of the latest thinking, tools and techniques that are making a real difference to businesses of all sizes across all industry sectors in today’s challenging business environment.

A Preview Morning will help you to:

  • Reduce the risks and costs associated with selecting the wrong training provider to partner with
  • Gain a clear understanding of the philosophy and approach behind the training offered by Xel Training & Development and the benefits that this brings
  • Improve the return on investment that you achieve from any training or coaching intervention by thoroughly checking out the relevance of the course content (Master Class subjects) to your objectives, team and industry
  • Increase significantly the likelihood of getting ‘buy-in’ from your team for any future training and/or coaching by giving you the opportunity to assess the style and calibre of Xel Training’s trainers/coaches therefore ensuring a ‘cultural fit’ with your people.

Whether your people are new to selling and customer service or whether they are experienced and well established, we will demonstrate ways to unlock and enhance the skills of your team, with practical techniques, ideas and strategies to improve their effectiveness and ultimately the profitability of your business.

What To Expect On The Day

During the Preview Morning…

We will deliver a sample from the following courses (Master Classes) aimed at New Business Acquisition and Account Management (customer retention):

  • Selling – The Essentials for Success
  • Quoting to Win (Developing & Presenting Winning Sales Proposals)
  • Negotiating and Closing
  • Customer Service Excellence

We will also discuss the importance of using Personality Profiling tools given that approximately 50% of the failure rate in sales positions is due to putting a natural hunter in a farmers role, or vice versa.

We will demonstrate how profiling tools can be used to very accurately determine the ‘natural’ selling and communication styles (Hunters or Farmers) of the existing team or future recruits which helps to ensure you have the right people in the right roles (round pegs in round holes) and at the same time helps you to identify very specific training needs and developmental areas.


Reserve your place(s)
The Benefits of Attending a Preview Morning

You have nothing to lose…

…and everything to gain. Whether after attending the Preview Morning, you decide to partner with Xel Training & Development in the future or not, you will leave the session with over 21 proven sales strategies that you can immediately implement that will help you to:

  • Increase sales revenue and ‘profitable growth’ by maximising potential from both new and existing customers
  • Increase the number of customers who buy your higher price, even against competition that’s undercutting you by 20% or more
  • Reduce and eliminate any discounts that your team are simply ‘giving away’
  • Improve your quote to order conversion rate by up to 100%


Reserve your place(s)
Who are Xel Training & Development?

Xel Training & Development has a ‘proven’ track record…

…for helping customers differentiate themselves from any competition and for giving them the right tools to address key people/business challenges resulting in:

  • Improved individual and team effectiveness
  • Improved staff motivation and retention levels
  • Increased market share, sales and profitability
  • Improved & sustainable business performance & GROWTH.

We will demonstrate to you how developing sales and customer service people to ‘excel’ in this highly skilled profession has changed, what skills, techniques and tools they need to become highly motivated, effective, efficient, professional and above all else, successful in today’s challenging business environment.

See what out clients think of us – view our testimonials and case studies by clicking here.

Reserve your place(s)
Your Investment

Your Preview Morning investment is just…

  • 4-hours of your time and a small fee of £145.00 + VAT for the first place booked and £95.00 + VAT for any additional places booked.
  • This fee is fully refundable if you book any training within one month of attending the event.
  • Every attendee will receive a workbook containing notes and samples of the course content from the Master Class topics being presented for future reference.
  • Every attendee will also be eligible to conduct a FREE “Hunter-Farmer Selling Styles Report” which is valued at £155 + VAT.

For many salespeople, winning new and retaining existing customers isn’t getting any easier. They are also finding it more and more difficult to differentiate their organisation from that of their competitors. If your own team have similar challenges, NOW is very much the time to unlock their potential by refreshing and generally ‘sharpening’ up their essential core selling, negotiation and customer service skills in order to maximise sales growth in 2025 and beyond.

Reserve your place(s)

Next Dates: Friday 10th January (Online), Tuesday 14th January (Birmingham), Thursday 23rd January (Manchester).

Interested in attending one of our forthcoming Preview Mornings? Select your preferred date and location and submit the form below.

1226110 January, 2025